The Sims 3 is (are???) coming!
That game is definitely on my wishlist!
And so is a new graphic card. My Radeon Xpress 200M doesn't seem to be on the list. And so is a new computer, as I only have two laptops (well, only,... ) and you can't add a graphic card to a laptop (can you?). And so is a new desk for that computer, with a flowery desktop like this one:
(But definitely with different legs.) And so is... nah, I'd better stop now.
30 January 2009
On my wishlist: the Sims 3!!!
20 January 2009
Making Silverlight do the work for me: fake software boxes
What I love about Silverlight is that it does a lot of work for me. An example: fake software boxes. Let's say you have some software to advertise: isn't this box appealing?So, you can go to the graphics department and nicely ask for such a box. Or follow the tutorial. But what if you have dozens of products to advertise? The graphic people don't want to do that and neither do you. I believe there are some smart graphic editors that do macros or something like that, but there's yet one more way, illustrated by the diagram below:
Here's what I did yesterday working on a website to advertise my company's software:
- I took two plain pictures, one for the front and one for the side (this one can be a textblock).
- I placed them on the canvas and surrounded them with borders.
- I added a rectangle for the top.
- I applied transformations to obtain the pseudo-3d effect you can see above.
Okay, this is the place where I should put the code, but I did this at work, which means it's copyrighted to my company and I'd have to ask my boss for his permission, which I couldn't really do these days because he's too busy and now I'm leaving work for a week to focus on school. Sorry about that.
Furthermore, this can be done better (look again at the picture on the top):
- one can apply a matrix transform to give perspective (that thing where parallel lines all meet somewhere... mine don't)
- one can add a shadow (which I definitely should)
- one can make rounded corners like Microsoft's software boxes have
- one can add a reflection, since it's web 2.0 and every single software box is standing on a shiny surface, and Silverlight is great for that too!
Well, if anyone feels inspired and wants to make a re-usable software box control, I'm sure a lot of people would re-use it, so let me know if you do!
13 January 2009
Silverlight and localization
Lucky me! I got a new project: the new company's website. Such sites need to have two features:
- an impressive presentation layer
- a few languages versions
There are a few catches. First, there is no easy way to do that as in (there should be!). Microsoft published an article on localizing Silverlight applications and it's no fun to read. But, we're big boys, let's add our resources files by ourselves, rename them and stuff.
Second catch is coming: the constructor in the resourse.designer.cs file is protected instead of public. Two workarounds here:
- change it yourself everytime you modify the resource
- get a tool for that: Dmytro Kryvko’s Extended Strongly Typed Resource Generator 2.3
I don't know... you might have more luck than me. If you wanna localize, start with reading "Silverlight and International Thoughts". There's a fully detailed instruction on creating a localized application in 43 steps.
As much as I like Silverlight, localization is a nightmare and that disappoints me a lot, as it's something that's been done in already - I feel like reinventing the mouse wheel here!
11 January 2009
What's in my bag
It's a cool feminine tradition to post a picture of all that we carry around in our bags. Here's mine:
What do we have here?
- The MSI Wind pink laptop
- a mouse for the laptop
- a power cable for the laptop
- a 4 GB pendrive
- a bunch of cards
- train season ticket
- cell phone
- Tic-tacs
- hand cream
- a Microsoft book
- a comb
- a few random lipsticks
- Astor foundation
- a few random hair elastics
- a wallet
- an mp3 player
07 January 2009
Good news from Lifehacker
So the global economy is in trouble and the cold here is unbearable, but Lifehacker posted a bunch of good news recently:
Bruce Schneier is coming to Poland!
Bruce Schneier is coming to Poland! He'll be the keynote speaker at CONFidence 2009.
More info about the conference at
03 January 2009
So I haven't updated for a while... here's what I've been doing lately:
- celebrating Chritsmas with lots of family singing
- deciding to get married in April or May
- buying stuff for our new house
- handling wedding stuff
- writing my masters paper
- hosting a New Year's party
- getting rid of clutter
Most of that stuff is going/gone good, except that the cat vomited on my bridal magazines.
Coming next: back to work, learning Python, preparing for the 70-something exam... Enough to keep a girl busy, right?